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Shqipe Behluli



Shqipe Behluli studied at the University of Zurich and at the University of Lausanne and graduated with a joint master.

After her studies, she worked for a law firm specialized in construction and real estate law in Zurich.

Afterwards, Shqipe Behluli worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Civil Procedure and Obligation Law at the University of Lucerne.

This was followed by a legal internship at the Cantonal Court of Lucerne and employment at a law firm in Lucerne specializing in data protection and IT law. She was also a lecturer for information security at the Fernfachhochschule (FFHF) in Zurich.



→ Die Advokatur.ch, Lucerne, legal assistant (2022).

→ Cantonal Court of Lucerne, legal intern (2021-2022).

→ University of Lucerne, Research Assistant at the Chair of Prof. Lorenz Droese (2020-2021).

→ Reetz Sohm Attorneys at Law, Küsnacht Zurich, legal assistant (2019-2020).

→ Reetz Sohm Attorneys at Law, Küsnacht Zurich, Substitute (2018-2019).



→ University of Zurich, Joint Master (2018)
→ University of Zurich, Bachelor (2015)


→ German
→ English
→ French
→ Albanian


Datenschutz – Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und Umsetzung im Unternehmen, WEKA Business Dossier, 2024 (mit/with Dr. iur. Lukas Lezzi, Luciana Viganò und Renisa Lajq)